Downtown Icons, Non-Consenual Relationships with Ghosts
REVIEW Non-Consenual Relationships with Ghosts by MAURA DONOHUE in ARTS ADVOCACY MAR 31, 2017 Downtown Icons Panel at La MaMa – Susana Cook, Karen Finley, Maura, C. Carr, Kate Bornstein & Holly Hughes Photo by John Issendorf Someday, if the Earth survives this oligarchy’s drive to suck the life out of her and us, historians, archivists, and…
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Review of The Values Horror Show
Review of The Values Horror Show by Lauren Marks at The world according to Susana Cook is an interesting one. She lets the audience know immediately that the world is a dangerous place, but Cook interrogates why it is dangerous and who is making it that way. She draws a quick relationship between fear and God, but focuses more on how fear controls us, keeping us paralyzed from revolting against that which is revolting.
Review of 100 Years of Attitude
Cook’s play touches upon some of Marquez’s themes using the same magic realism and political bite. What I enjoy most about Cook’s parody is her raw, in your face, political rants. How could you have an evening of lesbian theatre without one or two good diatribes? On this score Cook does not let us down.